Introduction – What’s this all about?

Over the next 6-7 weeks, I’ll be doing a small research project. Of course, if I try and explain what exactly I’m researching, it will go over most people’s heads, which I personally think is a shame, as all maths at this level is really interesting. This is why I’ve decided to set up this blog.


Essentially, I’ll try and explain my project in the simplest (and, hopefully, most interesting) way possible. Fingers crossed it will be accessible to most people, even if you hated GCSE Maths! Like most maths, this blog will end up being cumulative in a way; posts will depend on information on from the previous ones. I guess it could be like a story. As such, I’ll try and keep everything relatively short and brief, whilst still capturing the key essence of what I’m talking about.


This will include several entries, as there is a lot of stuff to talk about. However, if you stick with it, you’ll hopefully see what degree-level maths is (it’s NOT just loads of long equations and number crunching), why it’s interesting, why my project is interesting and maybe even learn something.


I don’t think there’s many blogs with an aim like this, so it should be quite a cool thing for me to do at least. And if it’s successful, then who knows, I might well continue it after my project is finished.


Just to make one thing clear, I won’t do any scary maths, showing off loads of complicated examples. In fact, I’ll do as few examples as possible. Instead, the aim here is to simply explain what things are, why they’re important, and give very basic examples (which should be quite easy / obvious to understand).


If, at any point, you have questions, comments, see a mistake, whatever, let me know! I don’t bite!

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